Post-traumatic stress disorder is a severe psychological disorder, which arises by undergoing a stressful and
traumatic event. The present study aimed at comparing the efficiency of mindfulness-based therapy and
continuous exposure therapy to increase resiliency and reduce clinical symptoms of sexually affected
adolescents .The research design was a single subject with a follow-up period. The statistical population of
the study included all 8 to 18-year-old girls with post-traumatic stress disorder due to sexual harassment in
Izeh city who referred to 2020 went to the social emergency center. 4 of them were selected through
purposive sampling. Subjects were evaluated in three stages of baseline, intervention and one-month
following the treatment by the PTSD Symptom Scale (2018) and the Connor and Davidson questionnaire
(2003). The intervention was performed separately for both treatments (mindfulness-based therapy: 8
sessions, continuous exposure therapy: 10 sessions). Findings proved that at the beginning of the
intervention, all four subjects showed a decreasing and improving process in the scores of post-traumatic
stress disorder syndrome, and an increasing and improving process in the scores of Connor and Davidson
resilience scales. Besides, comparing the effectiveness of therapies showed that mindfulness-based therapy
was more effective in reducing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder than continuous exposure
therapy; and resiliency increased in subjects of continuous exposure therapy more than in subjects of
mindfulness-based therapy. Subjects preserved these results for up to one month following the treatment.
Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that therapists in the field of children and adolescents
use mindfulness and continuous exposure therapies to increase resiliency and improve stress-made
symptoms to achieve more effectiveness. These findings offer significant implications for training and
promoting children's mental health