October 18, 2024
Afsaneh Moradi

Afsaneh Moradi

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in psychology
Phone: 077
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


Title Women and Methamphetamine in Iran: A Report From the Most Populous Persian Gulf Country
Type Article
Journal Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
Researchers Afsaneh Moradi (First researcher) ,


Objectives: Methamphetamine (MA) use disorder is a new health problem among Iranian female methadone patients that needs special treatment and rehabilitation services. However, few describe their baseline characterisics, their reasons for MA use while in treatment, and their treatment needs and success. The sudy aimed at invesigating these research gaps. Methods: The participants were 70 women with MA use disorder in two large women-only methadone treatment services in Tehran, Iran. A researcher-made checklis, the Severity of Dependence Scale, the Contemplation Ladder, and the General Health Quesionnaire-28 were completed by women in a baseline interview. Results: The Mean±SD age of the participants was 35.84±8.62 years. The participants reported high severity of MA dependence (Mean±SD = 6.88±3.19), poor motivation to change (Mean±SD = 4.0±2.31]), and impaired psychological well-being (Mean±SD = 16.35±4.04) in the treatment. The mos important reasons for MA use while undergoing methadone treatment included self-treatment (55%) and pleasure-seeking (43%). The mos important MA treatment needs included e?ective psychological treatments (75%), continued family support (72%), and life skills (68%). Stable living and fnancial conditions (90%), drug-free living and working places (86%), continued family support (78%), and psychological counseling (69%) were the mos important reported factors associated with MA treatment success. Discussion: The current sudy indicated that participants reported a number of MA-related problems. This issue needed a comprehensive treatment program at individual, social, psychological, and professional levels. The fndings have important implications for delivering psychosocial treatments, as well as gender-specifc research