Circular models of values and goals suggest that some motivational aims are consistent with each other,
some oppose each other, and others are orthogonal to each other. The present experiments tested this idea
explicitly by examining how value confrontation and priming methods influence values and valueconsistent
behaviors throughout the entire value system. Experiment 1 revealed that change in 1 set of
social values causes motivationally compatible values to increase in importance, whereas motivationally
incompatible values decrease in importance and orthogonal values remain the same. Experiment 2 found
that priming security values reduced the better-than-average effect, but priming stimulation values
increased it. Similarly, Experiments 3 and 4 found that priming security values increased cleanliness and
decreased curiosity behaviors, whereas priming self-direction values decreased cleanliness and increased
curiosity behaviors. Experiment 5 found that priming achievement values increased success at puzzle
completion and decreased helpfulness to an experimenter, whereas priming with benevolence values
decreased success and increased helpfulness. These results highlight the importance of circular models
describing motivational interconnections between values and personal goals.