29 شهریور 1403
علي رنجبر

علی رنجبر

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
نشانی: دانشکده مهندسی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی - گروه مهندسی نفت
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مهندسی نفت
تلفن: 077
دانشکده: دانشکده مهندسی نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی

مشخصات پژوهش

کاربرد سی تی اسکن پزشکی و دندان پزشکی در مشخصه سازی سنگهای کربناته، تبخیری، مارل و ماسه
نوع پژوهش مقالات در همایش ها
Dental CT, Medical CT, Carbonate, Evaporite, Sandstone, Marl, Image Processing
پژوهشگران دانیال فرخیان (نفر اول) ، رضا آذین (نفر دوم) ، علی رنجبر (نفر سوم)


One of the challenges of conventional core analysis methods in determining the petrophysical properties (especially in carbonate reservoirs) is the time consuming experiments. In addition, careful consideration of rock and fluid interactions and geometry of pore network in porous medium have a significant effect on reserve estimation along with flow functions in simulation of reservoir dynamics. These factors are not obtained by routine porosity and permeability determination techniques that report average values. Digital core analysis is described as a complementary method for better construction of reservoir properties model rather than as an alternative method for conventional core analysis methods [1]. CT scan is a non-destructive imaging technique that uses X-ray technology and mathematical model algorithms to view the cut of a cross-section of an object [2]. Because of its widespread use, geologists have used this technique in their studies [3-9]. One of the important advantages of medical CT scans is its non-destructiveness and the possibility of 3D viewing used to observe the rock internal structure [10]. Although one of the disadvantages of medical CT scan is its low resolution, the fact that CT is a non-destructive technique has made it very worthwhile [11]. Taud et al. Estimated porosity of rock using X-ray CT-scan. [12]. Shah et al. predicted porosity and permeability of carbonate rocks using medical CT scans, laser microscopes and micro CT-scans. They obtained preliminary results using a medical CT-scan for the imbibition process in carbonate rocks and measured water saturation as a function of time [13]. Skinner et al. used CT-scan to describe petrophysical nature of heterogeneous reservoir rock. They showed that standardized training exercises with the eyes for choosing of core plug samples were insufficient from parts of the entire core, and imaging techniques such as CT-scans were needed [14]. In this study, medical and dental CT-scan were used to d