October 18, 2024
Ebrahim Sahafizadeh

Ebrahim Sahafizadeh

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Address: Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
Degree: Ph.D in Computer Engineering
Phone: 077
Faculty: Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Data Science


Title A Social Network Model for Analysis of Public Opinion Formation Process
Type Article
Echo chamber, modeling, opinion dynamics, public opinion formation, social influence, spiral of silence
DOI 10.1109/TCSS.2024.3435908
Researchers Hani Rabiee (First researcher) , Behrouz Tork Ladani (Second researcher) , Ebrahim Sahafizadeh (Third researcher)


The growing popularity of social networks has amplified their capacity to form public opinions. The opinion formation process is affected by social factors and social phenomena such as spiral of silence and echo chambers. In this article, we present a directed homophilic preferential attachment (DHPA) model to capture the dynamics of social network generation and rewiring (network dynamics) and to take the variation of attitudes and characteristics of users when expressing their opinions and their desire to establish relationships with others into account (opinion dynamics). The proposed model not only integrates network dynamics and opinion dynamics but also accounts for homophily and the formation of social phenomena that create consensus or polarity. This results in more realistic outcomes compared to similar models. In addition, the model can contrast factors that drive consensus with those that drive polarization. DHPA provides necessary facilities for examining the impact of different factors on the opinion formation process. It enables us to analyze the circumstances to reach consensus and polarity. It is shown that the network generated by the proposed DHPA model appropriately conforms to real social networks. We have examined the impact of some important social factors by conducting a number of sensitivity analysis scenarios on the model, which led to interesting results.