The major objective of this work was the development of a reliable model to describe the volumetric properties of metals. In this regard, we have applied the Song and Mason equation of state (SM EOS) for alkaline earth metals, aluminium, Germanium, lead, antimony, Bismuth, chromium, manganese, rhodium, palladium, platinum and
lanthanum. Three temperature-dependent parameters in the equation of state (EOS)
have been calculated as functions of reduced temperature with the use of the law of
corresponding states. It is shown that the knowledge of just surface tension and the
liquid density at the normal melting point is sufficient to predict the EOS of these
metals. In order to improve the predictive power of the mentioned EOS for metals, we have proposed using a simple modification. The comparison of predicted densities with literature data led to encouraging results. The average absolute deviation of
calculated densities from literature values was found to be 0.29%.