18 شهریور 1403
هادي اسلامي زاده

هادی اسلامی زاده

مرتبه علمی: استاد
نشانی: دانشکده علوم و فناوری نانو و زیستی - گروه فیزیک
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / فیزیک
تلفن: -
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم و فناوری نانو و زیستی

مشخصات پژوهش

بررسی سنتز هسته سنگین کوپرنیسیم 286Cn خلق شده در فرایند همجوشی کلسیم با اورانیم 48Ca 238U
نوع پژوهش پارسا
Fission, synthesis of heavy nuclei
پژوهشگران جلیل دهقانی (دانشجو) ، هادی اسلامی زاده (استاد راهنما) ، حسین فالی نژاد (استاد مشاور)


At current study we are going to simulate produced nucleus fission process at alloying process an improved statistical framework and determine fission cross section of external particle before fission cross section for based on computational and experimental data, then for presenting such capabilities we estimate this model at different properties of fission process. For example we estimate anisotropy of excited nucleus fission based on extracted parameters. First we are going to determine barrier against fission for nucleus for simulation of excited nucleus evolution for doing this we use improved liquid drop model. Second for simulating fission, we should first determine whether any particle exit occurs at short time interval or not. For this, we consider ratio based on Monte Carlo method .Third by comparing computational or experimental data at fission cross section we obtain the number of external charged particle of proton and alpha and information a bout temperature coefficient and correction coefficient altitude of fission barrier.