March 7, 2025
Hamid Shahbandarzadeh

Hamid Shahbandarzadeh

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in -
Phone: -
Faculty: School of Business and Economics


Hierarchical location of hubs capable of transporting perishable products using meta-heuristic algorithms (case study: Ramek Dairy Company)
Type Thesis
مكان يابي، هاب هاي سلسله مراتبي، هاب ظرفيت دار، الگوريتم فراابتكاري ژنتيك، الگوريتم فراابتكاري بهينه-سازي ازدحام ذرات
Researchers Hamid Shahbandarzadeh (Primary advisor) , Ahmad Ghorbanpour (Advisor)


Background: Considering the importance of gaining a competitive and strategic advantage in the competitive environment of organizations, today choosing the right location and position of any commercial, industrial or service unit will play an effective role in increasing their profit and market share. When direct delivery of products or services is not cost-effective, considering the hub facilities to serve a set of demand points through the creation of a set of hub points in such a way that customers can access the facilities at the lowest cost and more efficiently. In fact, the hub has acted as an intermediary that can play an effective role in cost control by using economies of scale. Aim: The aim is to present a mathematical model for the hierarchical location of optimal hubs among the cities of the centers of the provinces of Iran in relation to the location of the product manufacturing plant in Fars province. The optimal location of the hubs and the appropriate allocation between the demand nodes and the hubs are determined in such a way as to respond to the demand of the nodes in a suitable way and reduce the transportation costs. This allocation is in the case that each of the hubs is also considered a demand node and a common hub may be formed between the primary and secondary hubs.Also, the allocation between nodes is such that a different and limited capacity is considered for each city to provide service to other demand points. Also in this research, due to the perishable nature of the products, in order to maintain the quality and freshness of the products during transportation, an average total time allowed has been considered and the total transportation time of the products should not exceed this limit.. Methodology: First, according to the some information of the case studys facrory, the website of Statistics Center and the study of previous researches will present the mathematical model of the problem, and the problem will be solved with genetic al