Plant tissue culture is considered as a valuable tool for preserving and regenerating plant species, especially valuable species threatened. Desert teak (Tecomella undulata (Roxb.) Seem). Is native to Iran. Because of the pressure on its habitants and the difficulty in its natural regeneration, its natural habitants have degraded to the point where there is a danger of extinction.The plant does not bear seed and its cuttings are also very hard to root. Therefore, the use of tissue culture technology to propagate it in vitro is a strong potent choice. Since previous research mainly on its in vitro propagation have mainly focused on organo genesis which has not yielded satisfactory outcomes, in the present study somatic embryogenesis has been tried through callus suspension culture.. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement. The nodes and leaves used as primary explant, cultured in MS medium in order to induce callus, five growth regulators of BA, Kin, 2,4-D, NAA, and IAA were supplemented individually or in combination in the semi-solid culture media. For preparation of callus suspention culture, 2,4-D and BA were incorporated in liquid MS medium at different concentrations. The results of this study showed that nodal explants with 1.5 mg /L BA alone and 1 mg/L BA with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, 0.5 mg /L NAA with 5 mg /L BA, 2 mg /L BA with 1 mg/L IAA, and 0.5 mg /L 2,4-D in combination 1 mg/L Kin MS medium with fine-tipped nod indicated the best percentage of callus and fresh callus. The results of measuring the total protein content obtained from callus extracts whose mother explants treatea with different growth regulators showed that the highest protein content was with leaf explant 1.5 mg/L BA. SDS-PAGE results showed that the protein pattern was different in different calli and in the calli produced by 1.5 mg/L BA in the nodule and lefe-derived callus extract samples، 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D 1 mg/L Kin in the nodule specimen, a