29 بهمن 1403
مجيد اسماعيل پور

مجید اسماعیل پور

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد - گروه مدیریت بازرگانی
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مدیریت بازاریابی
تلفن: 07731222136
دانشکده: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد

مشخصات پژوهش

بررسی تاثیر تعهد سازمانی بر عملکرد سازمانی واحد های شرکت مخابرات شهر بوشهر
نوع پژوهش پارسا
organizational commitment,organizational performance, EFQM model.
پژوهشگران آسیه درگویی (دانشجو) ، فخریه حمیدیان پور (استاد راهنما) ، مجید اسماعیل پور (استاد مشاور)


Human capital is actually the most vital strategic factor in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of organization. The human factor who committed to organization’s objectives and values is not only a prominence factor for an organization comparing to other organizations, but also is a permanent competitive advantage for many organizations. Its evident that organizational commitment of employees is valuable when it has positive effect on organization performance and promotes organization’s efficiency . The model of European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) as a comprehensive example in evaluating performance potency , analyzes the performed activities and specifies the success level of organizations for achieving to objectives and eminence via designing and performing the system of evaluating organization’s performance, optimum performance of objectives, examining the obtained results and measuring the effectiveness. One of the variables which can play an important role in realization of organizational objectives is the organizational commitment . Hence the present research investigates the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of organizational commitment of employees on organizational performance in units of Telecommunication Company in Boushehr city. Statistical sample of this research consists of 190 employees of Telecommunication Company and 38 managers of the present units in Telecommunication Company of Boushehr. Data collection tool is questionnaire. Modeling the structural equations and Smart PLS software are used for data analysis. The research findings indicate that organizational commitment of employees, as one of the most important job approaches, has a meaningful and positive effect on organizational performance of the investigated units . Regarding the results obtained from research and positive and meaningful effect of organizational commitment on pe