October 18, 2024
Naser Jaberi

Naser Jaberi

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Address: Bushehr, Persian Gulf University.
Degree: Ph.D in Persian language and literature
Phone: 07733444574
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


The Study of the position of mystic poets against the institutions of Hesbat (Poetry, Sufism, Judgment Institution, law enforcement officers, Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Hafez) and judgment (Relying on the poems of Sanai, Attar, Rumi and Hafez)
Type Thesis
Poetry, Sufism, Judgment Institution, Hesbat. (sity police) officers, Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Hafez شعر، تصوف، نهاد قضاوت، نهاد حسبت، سنايي، عطار، مولوي و حافظ.
Researchers Khadijeh Sheikhi (Student) , Naser Jaberi (Primary advisor) , Leila Rezaei (Advisor)


Judgement and law enforcement have always been important subjects of human community. All the duties which are nowadays on organizations like judicial systems. Municipality, security gurds, unions and those who are in charge of inviting to do good, and avoiding the basl, once were done by the judgement and enforcement. Studying such a case from Sanai to Hafez are implies the harm and errors with these two institutions during the time. The porpose of this research is to express poets, outlook like Sanai, Attar, Molavi and Hafez.Towards these institutions. The searching approach is analytical, descriptive, and based on library referencese. This study shows all these four poets have admitted the importance and necessity of two insitutions, despite the deficiencies and errors found wich the agents. Sanai has commended eight judges of his time by mentioning ethics which ought to be regarded, and immoralities which are to be avoided by the judges. He has mostly emphasized on justice. Tyranny, bribery and hypocrisy are his most frequencies off immoralities. Attar has been much clearer than Sanai in criticizing, and commenting hypocrisy and tyrannyseen from the juries, next to pointing some judges,duties. Molavi has found judgement and the judge so granted, and call him the first. He has criticized the bribery, bais and dishonesty of the witnesses, and he greatly believed in the presence of the witnesses, and he greatly believed in the presence of the witnesses. Hafez has limitedly admired the judges,erudition and self-esteem. Meanwhile, he has frequently criticized dishonesty, pretending, lack of knowledge and disturbing people by the judges in his poems. Generally, the most hateful charactors in inforcement are Avan and Mohtaseb, Avan has been detested and blamed by Molavi, and Mohtaseb by Hafez. Among the immoralities of the law enforcement, it has been talked alot about tyranny, hypocrisy, dishonesty, drinking with high frequency. Hafez is the only poet among the rest o