October 18, 2024
Shahrbanoo Yadollahi

Shahrbanoo Yadollahi

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in Business Management(Marketing)
Phone: 07731222110


Investigating the effect of consumer perceived value on purchase intention through the mediation of brand image, brand attitude and consumer satisfaction
Type Thesis
ارزش درك شده مصرف كننده، قصد خريد، تصوير برند، نگرش به برند، رضايت مصرف كننده
Researchers mohamad bagher zarei (Student) , Majid Esmaeilpour (Primary advisor) , Shahrbanoo Yadollahi (Advisor)


Background: One of the buying behaviors is the consumer's purchase intention. By knowing the factors affecting the consumers' purchase intention, strategies can be developed to increase their purchase and produce products according to the consumers' wishes and needs. Today, marketers can by affecting the perceived values of consumers and improving methods to increase positive values, create a suitable image of their products to consumers, strengthen positive attitudes to make the product appear on the web, and increase satisfaction as much as possible. Consumers strengthen and influence purchase intention. Aim: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of consumer's perceived value on purchase intention through the mediation of brand image, brand attitude and consumer satisfaction. Methodology: In terms of method, this research is a part of descriptive-survey research, and in terms of the method of collecting information, it is a correlational research and in terms of purpose, it is practical. The statistical population of this research consists of all customers who buy and consume Ramek dairy products in Bushehr city. The size of the statistical sample based on the formula of Cochran's unlimited statistical population is equal to 384 customers and buyers of Ramek dairy products in Bushehr city. The sampling method is also non-random and accessible sampling. A standard questionnaire is used to measure and measure research variables. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed and its reliability was also confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In order to analyze the data, SPSS and PLS software are used. Conclusions: The results of the research indicate that in order to increase the purchase intention of the consumer, it is necessary to create positive values for the desired consumer. The perceived value of the consumer by strengthening the brand image, creating positive attitudes in the minds of consumers, improving and increasing customer