Adolescence is characterized by major changes in various areas of life, including these
Changes can be feeling the need for an emotional relationship and a sense of intimacy with the opposite sex
(Salvator 1, 2018) mentioned establishing a romantic relationship. Love is one of the structures
It is a psychology that is difficult to describe (Gao 2, 2001). Need to love and
Being loved is one of the human needs from childhood to old age
(Logical, 1390). Love is one of the greatest emotions that a human being can experience
slow But at the same time, it can be one of the most painful emotions experienced (Ross 3,
Love shock syndrome is one of the set of symptoms that occur after the breakup of a relationship
An emotion emerges from the person and affects the person's performance in different dimensions
(2013, Fleckman 4). Also, these symptoms are caused by various personality and developmental factors.
Accepts. Among the factors that are important in people with love shock syndrome