مشخصات پژوهش

خانه /کوپل داخلی کد محاسبات مصرف ...
عنوان کوپل داخلی کد محاسبات مصرف سوخت origen2 با کد مونت کارلوی MCNP برای راکتور هسته ای
نوع پژوهش پایان‌نامه
کلیدواژه‌ها Coupling, Burnup, Nuclear reactor, ORIGEN2 code, MCNP code
چکیده In this thesis, we have calculated the BURNUP of bushehr reactor in the second fuel loading by coupling MCNPX and ORIGEN2 code with assist of Python3.7 programming language. at first, we simulate the core reactor by MCNPX. and also, we increase the temperature of materials to the "HOT FULL POWER" with NJOY code. after a designed geometrical validation, the required information’s of Origen2 has been calling from MCNP code with the program that we wrote it in Python3.7 for decay calculation in a 294 days’ period. at last, for validation of results, the information’s about BURNUP that we calculate them before, must be compared with the FSAR data. and results of comparison, were matched.
پژوهشگران رضا سبحانی (دانشجو)، کوروش قیصری (استاد راهنما)، مهدی سلطانی (استاد راهنما)