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Title رابطه سبكهاي هويت با ملاكهاي همسرگزيني در دانشجويان دانشگاه خليج فارس
Type Presentation
Keywords The style of identity, the criterion of marriage, marriage
Abstract purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between identity styles and clientele criteria among students in the Persian Gulf University. Method: The research method is a correlation type of predictor. The study population consisted of students living in dormitories at the University of the Persian Gulf in the academic year of 93-94. Three hundred students (149 girls and 151 boys) were selected as the sample of the study by simple random sampling. Data collection tools consisted of a questionnaire of 40 items of ISI-6G for identity measurement and a 22 item questionnaire on welfare matrimonial criteria (2008) to measure the criteria for spouse selection. Results: The results showed that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between normative style, accreditation style and information style with process and content correlation criterion. However, there was no significant relationship between confused styles and content of adolescent clientele. Conclusion: Individuals with an acquired identity style have a great potential for starting interpersonal relationships and a place of containment and more complex moral reasoning. While interpersonal relationships in individuals with early identities may be superficial and they are more adaptable. People with a confused identity have a minimum of intimacy and capacity for intimate relationships.
Researchers Mahnaz Joukar (First researcher) , Faridehsadat Hoseini (Third researcher)