06 مرداد 1403
سيد يعقوب حسيني

سید یعقوب حسینی

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد - گروه مدیریت بازرگانی
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مدیریت
تلفن: 07731222124
دانشکده: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد

مشخصات پژوهش

بررسی عوامل موثر بر رفتار شهروندی مشتریان خدمات بانکی (مورد مطالعه بانک شهر شیراز)
نوع پژوهش پارسا
پژوهشگران لیلا امیری (دانشجو) ، سید عباس موسوی (استاد راهنما) ، سید یعقوب حسینی (استاد مشاور)


Context: In recent years, much attention has been paid on customer citizenship behavior in the field of marketing. It is possible for customers to engage in a complex citizenship behaviors like those of employees to lead the organization in a particular direction. Customer citizenship behavior is influenced by many different factors. Considering the role and importance of customers for organizations’ survival, it is necessity for managers to understand the importance and position of those factors among customers. Objective: This study is aimed to investigate factors influencing Customers Citizenship Behavior of banks’ services. For this purpose, the customers of Bank Shahr located in Shiraz City selected as the statistical population of the study Evaluated. Methodology: The method of this research is descriptive and its tool for data gathering is questionnaire. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling is used, then 10 hypothesis accepted and 3 hypothesis rejected. Findings: Results of this study confirmed the conceptual model presented and showed that corporate reputation had positive and significant Influence on Satisfaction, loyalty, trust and commitment of customers. Also customers’ perceived justice had positive influence on positive affection. But Customer justice perception had no positive and significant effect on commitment and also; customer trust had no positive and significant effect on customer citizenship behavior. In addition to satisfaction, loyalty and commitment of customers had a positive and significant Influence on customer citizenship behaviors.