مشخصات پژوهش

خانه /The odd log-logistic ...
The odd log-logistic Lindley-G family of distributions: properties, Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation with applications
نوع پژوهش مقالات در نشریات
ثبت نشده‌است!
In this paper, a new class of distributions called the odd log-logistic Lindley-G family is proposed. Several of its statistical and reliability properties are studied in-detail. One members of the proposed family can have symmetrical, right-skewed, leftt-skewed and reversed-J shaped densities, and decreasing, increasing, bathtub, unimodal and reversed-J shaped hazard rates. The model parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Monte-Carlo simulation study is carried out to examine the bias and mean square error of maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators. Finally, four real data sets are analyzed to show the flexibility of the new family
پژوهشگران مراد علیزاده (نفر اول)، احمد عفیفی (نفر دوم)، M. S. Eliwa M. S. Eliwa محمد (نفر سوم)، Sajid Ali Sajid Ali (نفر چهارم)