Flood risk management, gazelle habitat, MaxEnt approach, HEC-RAS model, Bushehr province
Extreme floods are recognized as a major factor contributing to high mortality rates in mammalian populations. The primary objective of this study is to map flood hazards and evaluate habitat suitability within the Mond Protected Area (MPA), near the Mond River. This region is particularly important as it serves as a habitat for the vulnerable gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa). Through field surveys and information gathering, the study examines the effects of flooding on the mortality, distribution, and abundance of this gazelle population.The MaxEnt approach was used to assess habitat suitability, while flood hazard zoning was conducted using the HEC-RAS model. Field studies and the resulting flood hazard map identified three specific locations "Barid," "Rudbor," and "Cham Sheikh" where floodwaters infiltrate the protected area. This infiltration is attributed to riverbank erosion and the absence of protective vegetation in the above areas. The extreme flood on March 20, 2017, significantly increased gazelle mortality rates.By analyzing the maps integrating flood zoning, gazelle distribution, and population aggregation within the MPA, along with field surveys, practical and significant operational measures to enhance the gazelle habitat have been identified. One key measure includes establishing low-elevation platforms in areas where gazelles congregate. Six platforms have been designated, with three marked as "priority one" and three as "priority two," as the most effective solution for reducing gazelle casualties within the MPA. This decision considers factors such as the flood zoning map, gazelle presence, and historical data on locations with a substantial casualty of this species during floods.