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خانه /سنتز تترا تیو آنولن14 با ...
عنوان سنتز تترا تیو آنولن14 با استفاده از نمک های وینا میدینیوم
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کلیدواژه‌ها tetrathiol [14] annulene", "vinamidinum salts"
چکیده Sulfur heterocycles are important compounds due to their unusual physical properties and significant and versatile biological activity.[l-3] In this project an efficient method for the synthesis of some new tetra thiol [14] annulenes was introduced base on using vinamidinium salts. The reaction pathway to synthesis of the tetrathiol [14] annulene derivatives from corresponding vinamidinum salts are shown in Scheme 1. Me2N N Scheme 1 NMe2 CH3CN reflax C D References:
پژوهشگران عبدالمحمد مهران پور (نفر اول)، لیلا گودرزی (نفر دوم)