Muon reactivation, fusion, cycling rate, inhomogeneous model, computer algebra
Muon reactivation coeffcient are determined for muonic He (He = 42He =\alpha; He =
32He = h) for up to six (n = 1, 2, 3... 6) states of formation and at temperature
Tp = 100 eV and for various relative ion densities. In the next decade it may be possible
to explore new conditions for further energy gain in muon catalyzed fusion system,
μCF, using nonuniform (temperature and density) plasma states. Here, we have considered
a model for inhomogeneous μCF for mixtures of D/T and H/D/T. Using coupled
dynamical equations it is shown that the neutrons yield per muon injection, Yn (neutrons/
muon), in the dt branch of an inhomogeneous H/D/T mixture is at least 2.24
times higher than similar homogeneous systems and this rate for a D/T mixture is 1.92.
Also, we have compared the neutron yield in the dt branch of homogeneous D/T and
H/D/T mixtures (temperature range T = 300-800 K, and density ϕ= 1 LHD). It is
shown that Yn(D/T)=Yn(H/D/T) = 1.32, which is in good agreement with recently
measured experimental values. In other words our calculations show that the addition
of protonium to a D/T mixture leads to a significant decrease in the cycling rate for the
physical conditions described herein.