Power efficiency of a system is one of the
impo rtant criterio ns to achieve a green society as an efficient
system lessens harmful emissions considerably, thus to find
ways to reduce power is very significant. A noteworthy
fraction of harmful emission is done by various transp rt
systems, WIG craft is relatively new concept of
transpo rtation, can have a fruitful future as it is more
efficient than equivalent airc raft and quicker than
equivalent marine vessels, like any other modes of
transpo rtation, power efficiency of a WIG is very impo tant,
especially today when achieving a greener so ciety is not an
option but the only way for a sustainable human civilizatio n.
The aero dynamic fo rce of a specific WIG depends on a
certain minimum take o ff speed which is directly related
with thrust power , so to reduce the amount of requir d
energy, it is necessary to reduce the drag resistance during
take off , In this paper the effect of steps bellow hull on
resistance of a 2 seated WIG is discussed and analyzed by
changing po sition and dimension of steps later it is
compared with resistance hull without steps .finally how it
can reduce the amount of harmful emission thro ugh
reducing power is investigated.