مشخصات پژوهش

خانه /پیش بینی بخشش و سرسختی ...
عنوان پیش بینی بخشش و سرسختی روانشناختی با استفاده از ویژگی های شخصیتی و مقبولیت اجتماعی
نوع پژوهش مقالات در همایش ها
کلیدواژه‌ها Keywords: Personality Traits, Social Desirability, Forgiveness, psychological Hardiness
چکیده The purpose of present study is investigating the relationship between personality traits and Social Desirability of forgiveness and psychological hardiness. This study is based on a descriptive and correlational method. Population of this study consists of all high school and college students In Arjan, where 224 subjects (127 females and 97 males) responsed to HEXACO Personality Questionnaire, Marlowe and Crowne scale social Desirability, forgiveness scale Mullet and colleagues and Ahvaz Hardiness Inventory. For data analysis, multiple regression was used. The results indicated that among dimensions of personality traits, emotional factors, Agreeableness, and conscientiousness positively and Honesty- Humility negatively predicted forgiveness. Also, Social Desirability predicted forgiveness .In addition, extraversion and agreeableness are positively predicted hardiness, and Social Desirability wasn’t significantly correlated with hardiness
پژوهشگران فریده السادات حسینی (نفر اول)، محسن نظرپور (نفر دوم)