In this re search, Gracilaria cor ti cata red al gae and Sar gas sum an gus ti folium brown al gae were col lected from
tidal zones of the coastal ar eas of Bushehr (Per sian Gulf coast line), and were ex tracted with methanol, ethanol,
and sodium phos phate buffer. Zinc ox ide nanopar ti cles were syn the sized by chem i cal de po si tion. ? - Amylase
in hi bi tion was eval u ated us ing a col ori met ric method based on the re duc tion of mal tose re leased from a starch
so lu tion. The re sults showed that with in creased sam ple con cen tra tion, the ? - amylase was in creas ingly in hib -
ited. The phos phate buffer ex tract of Gracilaria cor ti cata showed the high est ? - amylase in hi bi tion, with an IC 50
of 0.44 mg/ mL and with in hi bi tion fol low ing a com pet i tive mech a nism. The phos phate buffer ex tract of Sar -
gas sum an gus ti folium showed the low est ? - amylase in hi bi tion with an IC 50 of 1.85 mg/ mL. Zinc ox ide nanopar -
ti cles in hib ited with an IC 50 of 0.34 mg/ mL with in hi bi tion fol low ing a com pet i tive mech a nism. The two
species of al gae stud ied in this re search, which both ex hib ited anti - diabetic ac tiv ity, have po ten tial for low er -
ing in testi nal glu cose up take in di a betic pa tients