In the qur’ānic parenting, father and mother are deemed as responsible for the cultivation of the
children. This style of the noble Qur’ān is expressed in the form of various factors including sets of
behaviors, instructions, and methods that individually or collaboratively influence the spiritual and
emotional development of the children in various aspects of their lives. This phenomenon can be
examined in two directions, namely parents’ agency and parenting factors. With regard to the parents’
agency, the father and the mother consider their children as God’s grace, feel special responsibility for
them, and pursue guiding and directing them in various grounds in order to help them attain
psychological healthfulness, stability, and balance. This study set out to extract the factors effective on
parenting from the verses of the noble Qur’ān through library research, description, and content
analysis. In the next stage, each of these factors was explained from the viewpoint of psychology. The
findings of the study showed that according to the verses of the noble Qur’ān, parents should observe
the two principles of assigning tasks based on children’s potentials and positive interaction with them,
respond to their needs, and respect their personality. Making correct use of reward and punishment,
providing sexual education, and paying attention to the factors that can increase self-efficacy of the
children and enhance their self-confidence are among other factors of responsible parenting style that
are pointed out in the qur’ānic verses.